Friday, 31 July 2015

Hidden Lessons

During my first year of college, I learned an incredible amount of stuff about the mind, body, and soul. I can now spew some pretty nifty facts about social psychology, western civilization, english literature and several other random topics. I spent countless hours pouring over my books (or just skimming) and drafting perfect essays (or just throwing them together), but even with all that I learned inside the classroom, I can honestly that I learned the most outside of the classroom.

The hard thing about learning outside of the classroom is that there is no syllabus, schedule or lesson plan; instead you must seek out opportunities to learn. While my classes taught be about life, my friends and peers taught me how to live life, and how to love it. Below is a list, (half-serious/half-light-hearted) about some of the things that I learned this year.

1) How to hug a tall person. Yes, you read that right. After about a month of school I was told that I needed to learn how to hug properly (and thus conquer my fear of hugs), and "hugging lessons" (and laughter) ensued. I am proud to say that I've conquered my fear of hugs, and now I'll even smile while I give you one.

2) How to do homework while at the gym. I'm glad that I learned how to master the art of using the elliptical and reading a book. It took a few times dropping my glasses, books and phones in order to perfect my form, but it's a skill that's much needed for people like me who just can't seem to find enough time in the day to do everything.

3) How to eat salad with a spoon, and yogurt with a knife. My schedule doesn't pause just because they are out of utensils at the Dining Hall, so you learn to make do. (Don't worry a fork and spoon are still preferred).

4) How to avoid the elements. After one too many days with sopping wet shoes, you learn how to get from one end of campus to the other without ever really going outside. It takes some extra time, but dry (frizz-free) hair is worth any amount of time. You also find some neat hallways and random classrooms while you explore.

5) How to laugh at myself. I never realized just how funny my license picture was until I saw 60 copies of it on a friend's wall as a Birthday prank. Now I simply have to strike "The license pose" to get an instant laugh out of my friends. Seriously what is with my face?

6) How to be wrong. As hard as pride is to swallow, humility is much more becoming on any individual. Trust me, it's much better to have plans on a Friday night than to be right in a pointless discussion. While being right on a test is super important, a sign of a true friend is letting the other person be right (whether or not they really are). At the end of the day the fact up for debate probably won't effect your friendship, but constant bickering will.

7) How to pay attention. While taking notes in class is important (seriously learn how to do that people), taking mental notes of your friends is way more beneficial. I love listening to my friends talk about what they love, and often randomly ask things, like their favorite type of donut (chocolate glazed and jelly) or candy bar (dark chocolate Mikly Way and mint Aero). While knowing it is important, it's best to put that knowledge to good use, particularly during finals week, specifically with Tim Hortons. Seriously getting someone their favorite donut is a sure-fire way to make any day better.

8) How to be quiet. Sometimes the void doesn't need to be filled with sound. I'm learning to be okay with that.

9) How to be a woman of few words. I'm learning that not everything needs an explanation or justification.

10)How to be me. While some people say that they "need to find themselves" at college, I think that it's less about finding a new you, and finding the you buried deep with in. While high school is a place you are easily defined (athlete, nerd, geek, prep etc.), college is a place where you decide what you will be defined as. Rarely do people do a complete 180° while at school, instead they just choose which part of them will be their defining feature. Once I stopped caring about how people would label my style, I found out what I've really loved to wear all along. The me that I uncovered loves skinny colored pants, sweaters with shirts underneath and dresses.

Obviously I haven't learned all there is out there, but I can't wait to head back to school and hit the books to learn more. Okay, mostly I can't wait to see all of my friends and start my new job, but hey the books thing is kinda cool too. I hope you got a laugh out of this list, but I also hope it made you think about what life lessons you still need to learn, I know I did. Learning doesn't stop when the books close, and I'm sure happy my friends are always willing to put in some overtime to help teach me (there's a lot left to do).

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