Sunday, 9 April 2017

Why am I getting married young?

Maybe you've thought it yourself, I know a lot of people have, and have made it quite clear how they feel about it:
Lady in Seat 9C: Who's picking you up at the airport? 
Me: My FiancĂ© 
Lady in Seat 9C: Oh... aren't you a little young to get married? 

I wish I would have answered her, but before I could utter my reply she had turned to face her daughter and my chance was over. But I still have something to say: 

Yes, I'm getting married young, but I promise I won't regret it.

And Yes, I know it makes some people uncomfortable and many people have expressed their fears. I wanted to write this blog to tell you why I'm doing something so crazy, something so counter-cultural. I wanted to tell you why I'm getting married young.

First off, I know he's the one I want to spend forever with. Your first thought may be: But how? Don't you want to date around first? It's the little things that make me realize that he's the one I want to spend forever with. The fact that in a room full of people he'll find me, make eye contact, shoot that wink that makes me weak in the knees and flash that smirk that gets me every time. Or maybe its the fact that the other day rather than tell me how ridiculous I was being, he just held me while I cried... about ham (Yes, ham okay? Wasn't one of my finer moments...). Maybe its the way that he will listen to literally anything I have to say, or the way he will sing at the top of his lungs anytime a good song comes on the radio. It could be that no one makes me smile like he does, and that no one can make me laugh even when I'd much rather sob. It could also be because I've seen him grow so much in the past year, and I appreciate how his faith guides his life. Maybe its the way that he always challenges me to reach my fullest potential, never letting me settle for mediocre when he knows I have more to give. Oh, it could also be the fact that he is already a pro at dad jokes. Maybe its the way that he listens to all of my nerdy psych rants and can teach other people about why its dangerous to mess with dreams and how I DON'T psychoanalyze people (nor will I ever). I could go on about how he dresses like a champ (when he needs to) and can switch from Southern hick to well-educated (almost) engineer in a second. It could be the way that he loves those that I love the most, and how he goes out of his way to care about so many people. It could be the way that he is literally every single thing that I could have imagined I'd want in a guy, combined into one incredible man that I am blessed enough to call my best friend. I guess it could be a million reasons. I think we just work well together... including the fact that we are both so ridiculous when it comes to taking pictures. 

(P.s. to everyone who said we were adorable, here are the behind the scenes shots)
(P.s.s. I hope our wedding photographer doesn't see this and charge extra in anticipation of our shenanigans)

Most of all, I've prayed about this more than you can imagine, and I still believe he's the right guy for me. Since the first day he told me he liked me we have sought wise counsel and prayer from those around us. I can't say that I haven't had doubts at times (this is forever guys) but I have always come back to the strong feeling that he is the one. Most people probably don't know that I actually made Brian wait 2 weeks after I confessed that I really liked him (even junior-year-finals-week-for-engineers-him), until I would date him so that I could pray about it and seek wise counsel. And I made him wait to ask me in person, because he might be big and tough but the boy was so nervous, 100% worth it. He gave me my space, honestly I think he was just so relieved to know I actually liked him back, and showed up 2 weeks later at a random hotel in Richmond, VA with my FAVORITE flowers and asked me to be his girlfriend. It was pretty perfect :)

Another thought you may have is But you are wasting your years of freedom! Don't you want to live life a little before you settle down? Well, to be honest, I don't know that this "living life" thing you are talking about it, currently my lungs are operating at full capacity and my resting heart rate is normal, so I think I'm living. Here's what I do know, whatever this living life thing is, I want to do it with Brian by my side. Whether its running through Kroger, perusing Walmart, or finding the most odd things at Goodwill, I know that it would be much better with my partner in crime. I've jumped off of cliffs with this guy, flown over lakes, and driven half the length of the country with this guy (Did you know that? He drove 9 hours on roads he had literally never seen to get this sobbing mess home for Christmas with her family!) All I know is that everything (from ERs to chores) are much more fun with this guy around. So YES I want to live life, but I really think that any life I choose will be ten times better with this guy. I know that the longest days of grad school will end with this guy kissing me goodnight and the most exciting days of my life with be even better when he's the one lifting me up in a celebratory hug. I want to sit on the couch eating pizza (obviously homemade because we are a dynamic duo in the kitchen) and talking about the most random nerdy topics like centripetal acceleration and neurological deterioration, all while watching college basketball, and reading a book.

I guess I don't know how else to say it, but I'm getting married young because I found a guy that I couldn't imagine doing life without, and that I know will make whatever life we do together even better. 

Ps. Can I just brag on this guy for helping me study... all... the... time...